10 Reasons Why You Should Flip Your World Upside Down
What's More Scary... Being stagnant in your old ways or flipping your perspective for a possibility of something great?
I say, f* it!! Let's turn your world upside.
Here are my 10 Reasons to "Turnt it Up"!
[Turnt it up] when someone does something so unremarkably amazing that there's nothing left to say other then them turntin it up.
Give your heart a break! Would ya?! When you are upright, gravity pulls the tissues and fluids in your body downwards, including blood. In order to return deoxygenated blood back to the heart, your heart has to work hard to help pump the fluid upwards and against gravity. When you are upside down, you reverse the blood flow in your body and it encourages venous return – the return of blood flow back to the heart. As a result, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard.
Helps your lymphatic system. Inversions encourages the flow of lymph back to the heart. Your lymphatic system is a key part of your immune system. It’s like a big drainage system in your body, collecting extra lymph from body tissues and helping to fight infection. However, the lymph system relies on movement and pressure to move the lymph fluid. Inversions help encourage the flow of lymph back to the heart.
Energizes you and builds confidence. This reason is less biological & more psychological. When you get upside for the first time in the hammock, there’s no other feeling like it. It’s energizing and makes you feel confident.
Improves your balance. Inversions add another dimension to balance training. It forces you to learn how to sense your body in a different space & way (proprioception).
Builds core strength.
Forces you to focus.
Releases your ego and helps you practice non-attachment. Inversions can be hard, humbling and tough enough. With the ease of the hammock, it allows for almost everyone to get upside with ease.
Inversions in the hammock can help with vertigo and motion sickness in small doses. (Let your instructor know if you are sensitive to movement.)
Provides a new perspective. Literally, flipping your view helps provides you with a new physical perspective that often flows into your every day life.
It just looks & feels freakin' good!